As some of you may know, last year the hard drive that contained every picture I'd taken between April of 2008 and July of 2009 suddenly stopped working properly. All tolled, that was about 3000 pictures of varying quality and sentimental value.
I've been working on the drive, and yesterday, I managed to restore the partition and retrieve the photographs, which are now mirrored on a total of three drives for added safety. Much of the recent flood of stock that has been posted over the last two days is a direct result of restoring these photos to usefulness. I don't feel too guilty about the flood size thanks to
's deviation stack system. If you really don't want to look at them in your inbox, two clicks and they're gone. I've still got more flowers, dogs, cats, mountains, trees, and very old buildings to upload. I can't wait to see what you folks do with them!
Of course, the reason I have so much spare time to fix the hard drive and upload tons of stock is because I recently got laid off from my job at an electronics plant. I'm looking big time for a new job, and may possibly have a shot at getting on the tech squad at the local Staples (a friend of mine who works there called me like minutes after I announced I'd been laid off saying "apply now!"). They can't hire me this week, or probably next, but it looks good right now. There's always the possibility that I'll get brought back to the electronics plant as well, but if I can get the Staples job with the benefits, that would be better.
Effective Immediately, I hereby grant permission to all
deviantart members to use images from this stock account in any
DeviantArt Prints submission. -Brian K. Trotter, aka Tkrain. This disclaimer/waiver applies to this
tkrain-stock account only.
- You must do more than just apply a filter or color correction. Be creative. Use it as a canvas, cut and paste, manipulate away, but don't just apply a contrast filter and call it your own work
- Always give credit. I'd prefer a link to the stock shot itself, but a link to my stock account will do.
- Please leave a comment on the original stock picture with a link to your deviation, so I can view it.
- If you wish to use the stock for something outside of DeviantART, please be sure and send me a link to where I can view it.
- All these rules apply to the stock photos on this account, no permission is granted to use material from my regular account. If you really really really gotta use something from my regular account, email me and we can discuss it.
Beyond that, have fun and manipulate away. I'll be interested in seeing what people can do with my stock art.
Note that most of my stock is landscapes, macro close ups of various ground and rocks (good for textures in renders), and other nature related shots. Generally, I don' shoot people (and what shots I have would require further releases to be used as stock).
Please check out my regular account at
About this CSS
This CSS is based on the dA V6 3 Column CSS by Jamaal10. Rework by me using free background images from Tinypic