iPhone 5 Concepttjkohli on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tjkohli/art/iPhone-5-Concept-212147651tjkohli

Deviation Actions

tjkohli's avatar

iPhone 5 Concept



Another piece to go in my portfolio. I hesitated to release this for a while.
Well, I released it just in time for iOS 5! Enjoy!

The home button is still clickable, like the magic trackpad.
The ambient light sensor determines the backlight for the home button as well as the screen (like newer MacBook Pros).
The LED lights on the right show:
- Battery life in green,
- Flash white for any unread notifications using Notification Center,
- Turn orange for No Service/No Connection
- Flash Red for extremely low battery
Made entirely in Photoshop, and is entirely using paths and vectors.

Note: I do not aim to infringe upon Apple's trademarks or copyrights. This is solely the product of my imagination, and is only a piece of art.
Image size
2000x1500px 1.44 MB
© 2011 - 2025 tjkohli
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This looks cool!!!