ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
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"For the last time, you are not coming with me to do this. It is far too dangerous." Akino huffed, rolling a scroll back up with his paws, his dark crimson gaze casting to the Altaria fluttering overhead.
"That is exactly why I must go! You won't be careful and I have to make sure that you don't make yourself a bloodied corpse!" Acacia sighed and descended down in front of the electrike, tucking his wings into his side, his long legs making contact with the ground. "My safety is not your responsibility." He huffed shortly and stood from his sitting position, looking to the larger bird, awaiting a retort as he knew it was coming. "Is my safety your responsibility?" Acacia questioned, lowering his head to be level with Akino's, putting emphasis on the word 'My' by pressing his wings into his cottony chest. Without hesitation, he responded, "Of course it is." The sincerity in his tone only backing up his words.
Acacia drew his head back now with a smile across his beak, exclaiming, "Fantastic! Now keep your word and make sure I'm safe when we go fight that thing, cause I'm not staying behind! I didn't travel across the world just to stay on the sidelines ya'know~" The bird began to step along the path triumphantly, yet halted when Akino abruptly unrolled the scroll with a flick of his wrist, holding it out. "Acacia! What exactly does this say?!" Acacia only glanced at the page before facing away "Ah- That we need to fight a mysterious Pokémon in the jungle...?" Akino bared his teeth and let out a very audible huff. "Not what you heard, What it says." He directed the altaria back to the page who hesitated when looking at it "Ah- uh- ehm...Well..."
Akino waited for him to read it before blinking in realization, furrowing his eyebrows. "Acacia...Have you not been practicing reading and writing like I told you??" Acacia looked away sheepishly "Well- ever since you left...I kinda ...stopped...practicing?" He gave a nervous smile and shrunk down slightly, Akino not being pleased as he glowered at him. "That's it. You can't come with me on any missions until you can read what is on the papers."
"WHAT!" Acacia squawked, throwing up his wings, "Don't bring my education into this!" He whined, hopping up and down in a fuss in front of the electrike, who was rewinding the scroll, more focused on it than his friend. "My mind is made up, You can't come." He took the bound scroll and poked Acacia's chest with it. "The paper says that this creature is violent and dangerous, not to mention unstable. You have no place on a battlefield anyway." He looked up to Acacia who met his gaze, regaining some persistence after what he said...Why was that?
"'re violent and unstable too. If I managed to befriend you, then I think I can help appease this beast." His voice was much calmer and soothing rather than the previous uppity and whiny tone he had previously used. His large blue eyes caught the surprised look cover Akino's expression before he had time to face away. Acacia lifted his head back up to his normal height and waited for the currently silent electrike to respond. After a few moments, he sighed and shook his head begrudgingly. "Fine." Acacia stood up a bit taller, smiling again before giving a light chuckle and head butting his friend's head lightly with his own.
"Thank you."
"So who is this big ol' baddie we gotta wrestle with?" Acacia asked, his head lowering to smile down to Akino, walking beside the electrike down the path. Akino tilted his head slightly in thought and worked his jaw "Ah...Well, they are calling it a she, but it is a species of Pokémon we have never seen before, and as far as I know it can't talk. The main thing we know is that is has been affected by the pollution in this area." He stepped over a small puddle along the carved out path, now listening once more to Acacia. "Yeah...I have been meaning to mention...I know this is a swamp and all but it is real...gross. You said a witch named Gilgamarsh did this right?"
With a nod, Akino confirmed this.
"What exactly is a witch?" Acacia asked, peering around his surroundings. "Hell if I know. No one has told me much about them despite being evil." Akino huffed, Acacia soon frowning and looking back to him "But...they can't all be evil...right?"
Acacia hopped forward and went in front of Akino to begin walking backward, fluffing his cotton body. "And what's with the lack of mindless here? Elysion is chalked full of them, but here they seem nonexistent here...Why is that?" Akino sighed and shrugged "I am unsure myself, but the two places are very far off from each other, there are bound to be differences." There was a short moment of pause, lifting his head to peek past his mass. "But there are some similarities..." Akino quickly stepped forward to grip onto his cottony chest and pull forward, an 'eep' escaping the altaria's beak. "Just like in Mothandria, you need to be careful where you step." Acacia blinked and turned when Akino let go to see that the path curved, the next step back he would have taken would have sent him down into the toxic muck the swamp inhabited.
Acacia chuckled in embarrassment, turning back to face the right way. "Heh...Would you say that it is as bad as Mothandria or worse?" Akino stepped along the curve of the path, beginning to enter the jungle where the Pokémon was spotted. "You should know yourself that if you compared this place to some parts of Mothandria...then Fever flats is as clean as a whistle."
"Do you see her yet?" Akino called up, his gaze lifting to Acacia who was fluttering about in hopes in pinpoint the mysterious Pokémon. Acacia only glanced over and shook his head, flying further off in the safety of the air. Akino sighed and leveled his head again before stepping forward in search of it himself.
Where did the Pokémon come from? Of that he was curious. They say it was a Pokémon they never seen...maybe it emerged from the slime like Gilgmarsh's minions? This one sounded different, however, so the likelihood of that was not very high. He worked his jaw for a moment before stiffening as a figure passed through the trees. His eyes dilated and he stepped behind a wide tree to evade whatever it was from seeing him. Was that the mysterious Pokémon?
His hackles rose as the steps came closer, pressing his back to the tree, blue sparks coming off his body, ready to jump out. The steps faltered and halted, the breath being caught in the electrike's throat. Was he noticed? His inhaled quickly before leaping out, the discharge from his body nearly firing off before he withheld it at the last moment upon finally seeing who he was about to attack.
Mere inches from his snout was an aggressively extended clawed hand enveloped in a purple light that had stopped before making contact with his head.
Both their stances dropped and they flattened themselves, regaining their composure. He had been the one to tell him of the mission, so their reunion wasn't too surprising. The archeops exhaled through his nose before Akino spoke up. "Have you found the mysterious Pokémon?" He followed the large Pokemon's gaze out to the depths of the jungle listening to him speak "She was in one place the other day but ever since then she moved and we can't find her." He reported, both of them shifting where they stood. Before Akino could open his mouth, from overhead Acacia returned, wings beating quickly to remain airborne. "Akino!" He called down, briefly looking to Fracture "I found her!" Akino looked to fracture then to the altaria "Are you sure?" Acacia nodded somberly,
"Not a doubt in my mind."
Akino thundered after Fracture, unable to completely keep up with the larger Pokémon but managed to not be left in his dust. From above he watched as Acacia descended, signifying that they had arrived where the Pokémon was spotted. They all slowed before they stopped at the edge of a rather small clearing, looking at what they had been searching for.
"I've...never seen anything like I assumed that was it what we were looking for." Acacia turned to Fracture who nodded "You were right, that's her." Acacia's eyes softened and he frowned "She looks hurt..." Akino shifted where he stood and stared at the Pokémon, covered in both slime and scars. It was hurting pretty badly yet it didn't seem like it was gonna drop unless forced to. "We need to get her unconscious so we can bring her back. We don't want to kill her." Fracture reminded and took a step forward, body lowered as if stalking it as Akino turned to Acacia and warned "Don't get involved. We can handle this." Before he stepped quietly along the line of trees to get closer to it while staying out of sight. Acacia remained back, watching from afar, not too pleased with the order.
As Fracture approached, the creature looked up, her body contorting, a slimy foam coming from her mouth as she took a single step forward and let out a grating roar, beginning to advance on the archeops.
Akino watched as the creature closed in with a double edge, yet Fracture evaded the attack, watching the recoil rake over her body. Without a single moment of hesitation after its last attack, she swung her arm to deliver a dynamic punch, just missing Fracture who continued to evade the brute force behind her attacks with his superior speed.
Akino reached a position that was the opposite direction of which the creature was facing. He quickly shot forward to a full body tackle to is back, discharge firing off and engulfing himself and the Pokémon. It roared in pain, however, instead of dropping, it turned the moment Akino landed, firing a second dynamic punch.
He wasn't as fast as Fracture.
"Akino!" Acacia cried out, watching the electrike's body tumble violently across the landscape before skidding to a halt. The altaria watched him recover, yet he looked pretty damaged, the Pokémon packing quite the wallop. Acacia clenched his beak and his eyes narrowed stepping into the creating and inhaling deeply, firing an ice beam directly at the creature.
Acacia flinched as Akino snapped at him, the ice beam dying off, yet it froze the creature in place long enough for Fracture to deliver an acrobatics directly without any fear of being hit. The ice shattered and the creature stumbled back, yet remained on its feet by pure determination alone despite the massive damage Fracture inflicted. It lifted a finger and began to wag it back and forth briefly, performing metronome on him.
Glowing feathers suddenly encircled him before they faded, Fracture wincing and looking to his hands. "She knows metronome- you have to be careful!" He only just managed to complete his sentence before it had been used again right after Featherdance had been performed, this time at Akino who had recovered completely from the last attack. The Pokémon surged forward, leaping up to kick out at him, his legs shrouded in an eerie light. Akino leapt up to dodge the fight one, yet the second kick caught him mid-air, yet he was prepared. He latched onto the leg after it connected with him, sinking his teeth into its legs, flames shooting from his maw as he performed fire fang. Having had unbalanced her, Fracture quickly closed in and swung his tail, it connecting with her stomach to send her to the ground, evading the moment sparks once more covered Akino's body, knowing a powerful discharge was to follow.
"Akino!" Acacia rushed forward as Akino lifted himself off the creature who now lay unconscious. He looked up to his worried friend and shook his head the feral light fading from his eyes, "I'm fine." before turning to Fracture who began to speak up. "Thank you for your help, I'll transport her back, you should get some medical attention for your wounds." He was picking her up as he spoke, Akino only nodding before turning to step away from him. "Akino- stop you are hurt!" Acacia spoke, his tone dropping with worry. He fidgeted at his side before the electrike suddenly staggered and leaned against a tree, Acacia knowing better than to think that Fracture was out of sight only by coincidence. "Akino! Ohmygosh-" he spoke frantically before lowering himself by his friend.
All the damage he sustained was blunt, he had no cuts or open wounds, but that didn't mean he wasn't hurting. "Here, please just get on my back, you need to rest, I'll carry you back, please swallow your pride and let me help you!" He finally set his foot down and demanded the last part, Akino casting his gaze to him and nodded numbly, finally agreeing to some assistance. Acacia lowered himself for Akino to climb onto his back before standing at full height once more.
"I would comment on how heavy you are but I don't think it is appropriate right now." Acacia turned his head to face Akino with a smile, who huffed, yet gave a weak smile in return. "Thank you Acacia..." he murmured, laying limply on his cottony body. Acacia smile only broadened before he began to step forward towards the jungles exit.
"Anything for you."
"That is exactly why I must go! You won't be careful and I have to make sure that you don't make yourself a bloodied corpse!" Acacia sighed and descended down in front of the electrike, tucking his wings into his side, his long legs making contact with the ground. "My safety is not your responsibility." He huffed shortly and stood from his sitting position, looking to the larger bird, awaiting a retort as he knew it was coming. "Is my safety your responsibility?" Acacia questioned, lowering his head to be level with Akino's, putting emphasis on the word 'My' by pressing his wings into his cottony chest. Without hesitation, he responded, "Of course it is." The sincerity in his tone only backing up his words.
Acacia drew his head back now with a smile across his beak, exclaiming, "Fantastic! Now keep your word and make sure I'm safe when we go fight that thing, cause I'm not staying behind! I didn't travel across the world just to stay on the sidelines ya'know~" The bird began to step along the path triumphantly, yet halted when Akino abruptly unrolled the scroll with a flick of his wrist, holding it out. "Acacia! What exactly does this say?!" Acacia only glanced at the page before facing away "Ah- That we need to fight a mysterious Pokémon in the jungle...?" Akino bared his teeth and let out a very audible huff. "Not what you heard, What it says." He directed the altaria back to the page who hesitated when looking at it "Ah- uh- ehm...Well..."
Akino waited for him to read it before blinking in realization, furrowing his eyebrows. "Acacia...Have you not been practicing reading and writing like I told you??" Acacia looked away sheepishly "Well- ever since you left...I kinda ...stopped...practicing?" He gave a nervous smile and shrunk down slightly, Akino not being pleased as he glowered at him. "That's it. You can't come with me on any missions until you can read what is on the papers."
"WHAT!" Acacia squawked, throwing up his wings, "Don't bring my education into this!" He whined, hopping up and down in a fuss in front of the electrike, who was rewinding the scroll, more focused on it than his friend. "My mind is made up, You can't come." He took the bound scroll and poked Acacia's chest with it. "The paper says that this creature is violent and dangerous, not to mention unstable. You have no place on a battlefield anyway." He looked up to Acacia who met his gaze, regaining some persistence after what he said...Why was that?
"'re violent and unstable too. If I managed to befriend you, then I think I can help appease this beast." His voice was much calmer and soothing rather than the previous uppity and whiny tone he had previously used. His large blue eyes caught the surprised look cover Akino's expression before he had time to face away. Acacia lifted his head back up to his normal height and waited for the currently silent electrike to respond. After a few moments, he sighed and shook his head begrudgingly. "Fine." Acacia stood up a bit taller, smiling again before giving a light chuckle and head butting his friend's head lightly with his own.
"Thank you."
"So who is this big ol' baddie we gotta wrestle with?" Acacia asked, his head lowering to smile down to Akino, walking beside the electrike down the path. Akino tilted his head slightly in thought and worked his jaw "Ah...Well, they are calling it a she, but it is a species of Pokémon we have never seen before, and as far as I know it can't talk. The main thing we know is that is has been affected by the pollution in this area." He stepped over a small puddle along the carved out path, now listening once more to Acacia. "Yeah...I have been meaning to mention...I know this is a swamp and all but it is real...gross. You said a witch named Gilgamarsh did this right?"
With a nod, Akino confirmed this.
"What exactly is a witch?" Acacia asked, peering around his surroundings. "Hell if I know. No one has told me much about them despite being evil." Akino huffed, Acacia soon frowning and looking back to him "But...they can't all be evil...right?"
Acacia hopped forward and went in front of Akino to begin walking backward, fluffing his cotton body. "And what's with the lack of mindless here? Elysion is chalked full of them, but here they seem nonexistent here...Why is that?" Akino sighed and shrugged "I am unsure myself, but the two places are very far off from each other, there are bound to be differences." There was a short moment of pause, lifting his head to peek past his mass. "But there are some similarities..." Akino quickly stepped forward to grip onto his cottony chest and pull forward, an 'eep' escaping the altaria's beak. "Just like in Mothandria, you need to be careful where you step." Acacia blinked and turned when Akino let go to see that the path curved, the next step back he would have taken would have sent him down into the toxic muck the swamp inhabited.
Acacia chuckled in embarrassment, turning back to face the right way. "Heh...Would you say that it is as bad as Mothandria or worse?" Akino stepped along the curve of the path, beginning to enter the jungle where the Pokémon was spotted. "You should know yourself that if you compared this place to some parts of Mothandria...then Fever flats is as clean as a whistle."
"Do you see her yet?" Akino called up, his gaze lifting to Acacia who was fluttering about in hopes in pinpoint the mysterious Pokémon. Acacia only glanced over and shook his head, flying further off in the safety of the air. Akino sighed and leveled his head again before stepping forward in search of it himself.
Where did the Pokémon come from? Of that he was curious. They say it was a Pokémon they never seen...maybe it emerged from the slime like Gilgmarsh's minions? This one sounded different, however, so the likelihood of that was not very high. He worked his jaw for a moment before stiffening as a figure passed through the trees. His eyes dilated and he stepped behind a wide tree to evade whatever it was from seeing him. Was that the mysterious Pokémon?
His hackles rose as the steps came closer, pressing his back to the tree, blue sparks coming off his body, ready to jump out. The steps faltered and halted, the breath being caught in the electrike's throat. Was he noticed? His inhaled quickly before leaping out, the discharge from his body nearly firing off before he withheld it at the last moment upon finally seeing who he was about to attack.
Mere inches from his snout was an aggressively extended clawed hand enveloped in a purple light that had stopped before making contact with his head.
Both their stances dropped and they flattened themselves, regaining their composure. He had been the one to tell him of the mission, so their reunion wasn't too surprising. The archeops exhaled through his nose before Akino spoke up. "Have you found the mysterious Pokémon?" He followed the large Pokemon's gaze out to the depths of the jungle listening to him speak "She was in one place the other day but ever since then she moved and we can't find her." He reported, both of them shifting where they stood. Before Akino could open his mouth, from overhead Acacia returned, wings beating quickly to remain airborne. "Akino!" He called down, briefly looking to Fracture "I found her!" Akino looked to fracture then to the altaria "Are you sure?" Acacia nodded somberly,
"Not a doubt in my mind."
Akino thundered after Fracture, unable to completely keep up with the larger Pokémon but managed to not be left in his dust. From above he watched as Acacia descended, signifying that they had arrived where the Pokémon was spotted. They all slowed before they stopped at the edge of a rather small clearing, looking at what they had been searching for.
"I've...never seen anything like I assumed that was it what we were looking for." Acacia turned to Fracture who nodded "You were right, that's her." Acacia's eyes softened and he frowned "She looks hurt..." Akino shifted where he stood and stared at the Pokémon, covered in both slime and scars. It was hurting pretty badly yet it didn't seem like it was gonna drop unless forced to. "We need to get her unconscious so we can bring her back. We don't want to kill her." Fracture reminded and took a step forward, body lowered as if stalking it as Akino turned to Acacia and warned "Don't get involved. We can handle this." Before he stepped quietly along the line of trees to get closer to it while staying out of sight. Acacia remained back, watching from afar, not too pleased with the order.
As Fracture approached, the creature looked up, her body contorting, a slimy foam coming from her mouth as she took a single step forward and let out a grating roar, beginning to advance on the archeops.
Akino watched as the creature closed in with a double edge, yet Fracture evaded the attack, watching the recoil rake over her body. Without a single moment of hesitation after its last attack, she swung her arm to deliver a dynamic punch, just missing Fracture who continued to evade the brute force behind her attacks with his superior speed.
Akino reached a position that was the opposite direction of which the creature was facing. He quickly shot forward to a full body tackle to is back, discharge firing off and engulfing himself and the Pokémon. It roared in pain, however, instead of dropping, it turned the moment Akino landed, firing a second dynamic punch.
He wasn't as fast as Fracture.
"Akino!" Acacia cried out, watching the electrike's body tumble violently across the landscape before skidding to a halt. The altaria watched him recover, yet he looked pretty damaged, the Pokémon packing quite the wallop. Acacia clenched his beak and his eyes narrowed stepping into the creating and inhaling deeply, firing an ice beam directly at the creature.
Acacia flinched as Akino snapped at him, the ice beam dying off, yet it froze the creature in place long enough for Fracture to deliver an acrobatics directly without any fear of being hit. The ice shattered and the creature stumbled back, yet remained on its feet by pure determination alone despite the massive damage Fracture inflicted. It lifted a finger and began to wag it back and forth briefly, performing metronome on him.
Glowing feathers suddenly encircled him before they faded, Fracture wincing and looking to his hands. "She knows metronome- you have to be careful!" He only just managed to complete his sentence before it had been used again right after Featherdance had been performed, this time at Akino who had recovered completely from the last attack. The Pokémon surged forward, leaping up to kick out at him, his legs shrouded in an eerie light. Akino leapt up to dodge the fight one, yet the second kick caught him mid-air, yet he was prepared. He latched onto the leg after it connected with him, sinking his teeth into its legs, flames shooting from his maw as he performed fire fang. Having had unbalanced her, Fracture quickly closed in and swung his tail, it connecting with her stomach to send her to the ground, evading the moment sparks once more covered Akino's body, knowing a powerful discharge was to follow.
"Akino!" Acacia rushed forward as Akino lifted himself off the creature who now lay unconscious. He looked up to his worried friend and shook his head the feral light fading from his eyes, "I'm fine." before turning to Fracture who began to speak up. "Thank you for your help, I'll transport her back, you should get some medical attention for your wounds." He was picking her up as he spoke, Akino only nodding before turning to step away from him. "Akino- stop you are hurt!" Acacia spoke, his tone dropping with worry. He fidgeted at his side before the electrike suddenly staggered and leaned against a tree, Acacia knowing better than to think that Fracture was out of sight only by coincidence. "Akino! Ohmygosh-" he spoke frantically before lowering himself by his friend.
All the damage he sustained was blunt, he had no cuts or open wounds, but that didn't mean he wasn't hurting. "Here, please just get on my back, you need to rest, I'll carry you back, please swallow your pride and let me help you!" He finally set his foot down and demanded the last part, Akino casting his gaze to him and nodded numbly, finally agreeing to some assistance. Acacia lowered himself for Akino to climb onto his back before standing at full height once more.
"I would comment on how heavy you are but I don't think it is appropriate right now." Acacia turned his head to face Akino with a smile, who huffed, yet gave a weak smile in return. "Thank you Acacia..." he murmured, laying limply on his cottony body. Acacia smile only broadened before he began to step forward towards the jungles exit.
"Anything for you."
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Acacia makes an actual appearance! I could have made this much longer but for my sanity I cut it short. I also want to mention that the two times the creature used metronome were received by a special move picker for that move, and feather dance, and double kick were chosen.
Also chose Fracture to accompany them cause I love him and he has a similar feral nature to Akino uwu
Confronting and defeating the unknown Pokemon that’s roaming the jungle near the swamp, and delivering it to captivity: +1 Trackers Reputation!
Acacia makes an actual appearance! I could have made this much longer but for my sanity I cut it short. I also want to mention that the two times the creature used metronome were received by a special move picker for that move, and feather dance, and double kick were chosen.
Also chose Fracture to accompany them cause I love him and he has a similar feral nature to Akino uwu
Confronting and defeating the unknown Pokemon that’s roaming the jungle near the swamp, and delivering it to captivity: +1 Trackers Reputation!
© 2017 - 2025 Tinytank138
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Acacia is a good floof. A really good floof.