Tiny-Forest-Prince on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tiny-forest-prince/art/Pro-Choice-stamp-f2u-READ-DESCRIPTION-DAMMIT-578444226Tiny-Forest-Prince

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Pro Choice stamp (f2u) [READ DESCRIPTION DAMMIT]

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so first off, no arguing in the comments. seriously. i swear to god if you fucking comment something stupid and or try and start an argument i will just block you and hide your comment and eventually turn off comments if it happens alot cause the last fucking thing I want is to hear people's stupidity psh. 

okay. long ass rant ahead so if that aint your thing, just skip by this lil stamp mkay? 

I am, and always will be 'pro-choice' 

simple as that. Pro choice, if you're unaware. means that if somebody gets pregnant you allow THEM to choose whether they can have the baby or abort it.

I... literally can not wrap my head around the fact that people are 'pro life' i cant. wrap my head around. the fact that you think its YOUR CHOICE what somebody ELSE does with their body. 

I can not. comprehend. the fact that you could be STUPID enough to really think that a fucking slosh of cells is capable of feeling let alone COMMUNICATING to tell you if it wants to be aborted or not. 

let me say it very slowly

a. fetus. is. not. a. child. it. is. barely. human. It is a bundle of cells and blood that will eventually, GROW AND EVOLVE into a human (which is ironic considering most religious people who are pro-life dont even believe in evolution) 

but at the time in which an abortion is possible, its not conscious. it cant feel. theres a deadline as to when you're not allowed to get an abortion for a fucking reason.

the amount of times if been called a 'mass murder' for believing that people can do what they want with their bodies is fucking astronomical. 

like holy shit

you know who's the murderers?? 

people who wont allow people to get abortions due to their stupid beliefs

yaknow why??

47 000 woman die every year due to unsafe abortions/at home abortions. 

Roughly 13% of maternal deaths is caused by unsafe/at home abortions

and then. theres the pro-lifer's who are like 'bwaaa shouldn't of been such a whooore'

first off. if somebody wants to have sex all the time. who cares? they like sex leave them the fuck alone. 

and secondly. did?? you?? like?? forget?? rape?? was?? a?? thing?? if somebody was raped they should fucking be able to get rid of that demon child. 

plus not to mention health complications?? like?? that baby could literally kill the one birthing it and people still think that person should carry the baby regardless?? even if it'll kill them in the process?? are they really saying that the baby that is unborn, has no feeling and no personality is worth more then the fully grown person who that fetus's life is ruining?? 

and then some are like 'how'd you like it if your mom aborted you!'

well honestly? i prob wouldn't mind. if my mom got raped and wanted to get rid of me. i'd be okay with that. if she just couldn't handle a child-- i'd still be okay at that. i wouldn't want her to bring me into the fucking world just to get neglected or go hungry or be put up for adoption or shit...

so long story short. if you're a pro-lifer. you really need to fucking re-evaluate what made you think you have control of someone else's body when your idiocy and beliefs can literally kill that person

i rest my case -waits for mod of angry people-

edit: welp that didn't take long to disable comments. maybe i'll re-enable them later :U
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© 2015 - 2024 Tiny-Forest-Prince
ShimmerWolfArts's avatar
Really? You hid my comments? You said you weren't going to.
I'm simply saying my opinion on what abortion should be like. Trust me, I could care less on what people I don't know do with their bodies. I might not agree or approve of it, especially if they're close friends, but I'm not them. I'm simply saying what my opinion is and what I've been taught via biology. I'm not forcing my opinions on anyone.
I don't agree with killing something that is biologically alive and is genetically human. I don't agree with killing anything, to be quite fair. Okay? That's all I'm trying to say. If someone makes the choice to kill something half genetically theirs, that's their choice. I personally would never do that.

Sorry if I seemed like "not a complete ass". I have my opinions and I apply them to MY life, not to anyone else's.
Just like I don't force my Christian beliefs on anyone. I believe what I believe, and I let people believe what they want. It's what makes us unique, am I right? ;)
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