TintedGreen on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tintedgreen/art/T-055-Gift-for-Crystaluniicorn-422823759TintedGreen

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TintedGreen's avatar

T- 055 Gift for Crystaluniicorn



Mountain Mare for =CrystalUniicorn

From my Christmas Gift batch: fav.me/d6ys15j

-->the color is supposed to be light rose gold

You have two weeks to draw your EB.
Once finished - Please post a ref to my ID journal - fav.me/d6qopi5
ID - Name & link to your ref sheet. 

? Eb's are NOT a free breed. You can't make your own.

? Please draw the foal with in 2 weeks and submit the drawing to the group.
? PLease be sure that you are a member of the group.
? Ballators can ONLY be bred to Ballators. If you break this rule you run the risk of your EB being taken away.
? ID#'s Must go in front of the name. 
Image size
1640x1232px 341.2 KB
© 2013 - 2024 TintedGreen
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dry-oasis's avatar
I find lacing and cobwebbing so hard to draw but you do it so well