Hello, I'm Chrissy, a traditional and digital real human artist. My insta is also @@tinamari84.
Pisces & INFJ/P 🌷
I'm currently obsessed with Baldur's Gate 3.
I occasionally cosplay, do a lot of roleplay/writing, and enjoy ball jointed dolls. Basically, anything creative that I can do with my hands and body, including acting and singing, I'm interested in pursuing.
A little bit of everything will most likely be posted here, including sketches. Alway up to making new friends, and occasionally engaging in art DTIYS, art trades, and art challenges and contests.💞
Thanks for adding to favorites! 🙂
Thank you for the fav! If you would like to see more of my work, please consider watching me! ♡♡♡
Hi friend, it's great to have you here on the deviant! Thanks for sharing your great work with us. Make sure to put a lot of tags on your work so people can find it. Fave some art and leave a lot of comments. Find deviants you like and start watching them. Give llamas to everyone, you have an unlimited supply of them. This will get you noticed and bring people to your page. Setting your pronouns helps others know how to approach you. Let me know if I can help you with anything. Llamas are badges you can give to anyone, basicly as a way to draw attention to yourself. To give a llama go to the page of the person you want to give it to, click the white present at the top, here's a picture of it. https://sta.sh/070mrc59syy then choose "give llama badge"
Thank you so much for all the kind and thoughtful advice! 💕
You're Welcome!
Holler if you need help with any of this.