TimYates on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/timyates/art/Ghost-ship-194882357TimYates

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TimYates's avatar

Ghost ship



Watercolor painting of a ship. Preeow

Credit to somebody for the photo I used for reference, but I forget where I found it. if you recognize this picture let me know
Image size
1037x793px 301.45 KB
© 2011 - 2024 TimYates
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Hey Tim,

thats really a great picture! At the Moment i am searching for a Ship which i want to get tattooed on my chest and i was wondering if you let me tattoo this one?
BTW... looks like you had a model? Can you tell me ships name and where its from? If you grant me your permission i will give you a foto of the finished piece of course!
Thanks a lot
