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Timon-Berkowitz's avatar

Jake and I hanging out




Hello, welcome to my page. COncerning my featuring in the video Id like to say that the Nostalgia Critic did not contact me about using my art nor have I ever heard anything from him ever. Before today I was not aware who this guy is or what he does. 

I wish he had asked me before using my material, particularly in the way that he used it to be an example of the entire of Deviant Art's weird fandom side. In truth I am greatful that he refrained from using any extremely derogatory words other than 'crazy' to describe my art. I might have considered giving him permission to use it, but he didnt bother to ask me. Im aware its a free internet, but it does feel a little weird when I have been told he makes a great deal of money from his videos.

For right now though im not going to make it an issue. But I have a much more important issue:

If you are here then I know you have come here to see the crazy DA toon artist. You know that I am a gay, genderbending person who adores cartoons and fantasizes over them. Its how I have been all my life. This is my little space on the web. Its much smaller than the nostalgia critic. This is my place where I can express myself and EVERYONE needs a place to do that. Ive been on DA for 12 years, 9 at this account. Its my home. Everyone needs a home to have friends over and to sometimes open to new people. I jsut ask that you guys please be respectful much like how you would want someone to treat you. I know my lifestyle is probably a lot different than yours, but is it fair to say someone should not be allowed to live theirs? I dont mind if you laugh a little at my art or how 'crazy' it is. But I ask of you is to not be aggressive or vicious or anything like that. Just think how it would make you feel. Just do what you would want others to do to you.

... thats why I never go into trolling or flamewars with people. I want to be honest to myself and others. I think if we all did that, then the world would be a much happier place for everyone. :) (Smile)


Jake the kangaroo rat from Rescuers Down Under. :heart: Probably my earliest favorite toon. I remember adoring him as a little kid. He always seemed so cool.

He is included in my fanfiction as the charater that saved my toon persona from death. Read my "Timon's Story" fanfics if you are interested.
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© 2009 - 2024 Timon-Berkowitz
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What are you and Jake wearing?