On The Bus - part 1timmolloy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/timmolloy/art/On-The-Bus-part-1-86556452timmolloy

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On The Bus - part 1



It's about time I put this up on the net! This is the major piece in my comic book 'Under The Bed' (available from [link] )
This was my main project last winter, and kept me up late on many a cold Melbourne night.
This is based upon a short story I wrote a while back, but I ended up changing the ending rather drastically to incorporate other elements from other stories and also (I hope) to give it a more positive spin. I suppose this piece is about art itself. In a way it is me searching for a ' point' to it all... and the first tendrils of some of the things I found when I was rummaging around in my own attic.... As it was inscribed above the entrance to the Oracle at Delphi 'Man Know Thyself.'
(part 1 of 3.)
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709x7839px 786.25 KB
© 2008 - 2025 timmolloy
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izitmee's avatar
Wow love it. It's so delicately surreal, and the style is beautiful :)