Limestone Pie Coloring GuideTimeLordOmega on DeviantArt

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TimeLordOmega's avatar

Limestone Pie Coloring Guide



Since i wanted a Coloring guide to create This, and did not find one. I decided to create one.

Other Coloring Guides:
    -Marble Pie Coloring Guide
    -Limestone Pie Coloring Guide
    -Igneous Rock Pie Coloring Guide
    -Cloudy Quartz Coloring Guide

Limestone Pie is property of Hasbro.

If you want to use this coloring guide for your own artwork, feel free to do so, that's what its made for!

Due to complaints about not having the HEX/RGBA values in the guide, i added them. To convert RGBA to HEX remove the last 2 characters.
Image size
7919x5372px 1.68 MB
© 2015 - 2024 TimeLordOmega
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DJDavid98's avatar
You confused the names of the colour formats, I think you may be looking for the 3rd one.
  1. RGB: rgba(255, 255, 255)
  2. RGBA: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)
  4. HEX (with Alpha value): #FFFFFFFF
It's unnecessary to add the 2 'f's at the end of the HEX colours as they just signify that the colour has no transparency and it should be safe to leave them off. I also want to point out that the MLP-VectorClub maintains a very up to date list of colours collected using authoritative references from the show, available at, and we recommend to others that they use that site as the source of the latest colour guidelines.