I'm just getting started with really spending time on photographing things. I'm a recent graduate of Florida State University and clearly I like flowers. I am also a longtime resident of the Big Bend area of Florida, the part that looks less like Orlando and PCB and more like what natural Florida really is. I'm thankful to live in this area because it's so beautiful and the people here are incredibly friendly. If you live in the area, message me, I'd love to hear from you (:
I have to admit that I'm not much of a gardener, never was, and I have the incredible ability to kill almost everything I touch, though I'm slowly learning how not to be so bad at it lol. Grandma would be proud! At any rate, I've learned that I can't totally kill a photograph without a lot of effort so I've kind of taken to heart that commonly rude statement, "Take a picture, it lasts longer."
Thank you for stopping by and looking at my photographs. I know they aren't much to look at, but they are mine, and I am happy about that. Oh, and one other thing:
Thank you for the faves, the llamas, and if you feature my photography. It brings me, honest to god, so much happiness to know you like what you see. Thank you again.
If you are stumbling on me from other places, my usernames are:
Tumblr: timelessroses.tumblr.com
Twitter: twitter.com/timelessroses
Subeta: Timeless
Khimeros: Timeless (#727)
Aywas: #982 Kovu & Timeless
Heaven help you if you actually know me in real life. I'm crazy.
Thanks for the fave and visit!