Timefixers on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/timefixers/art/Hollow-Knight-Fc-700111765Timefixers

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Hollow Knight Fc


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edit: wOW this is old and got shockingly popular? uuh, ahku's been updated since this but is still thoroughly loved! 

i'Ve had this character for awhile now but I figured I'd finally post them here??
This is Ahku! my little fan vessel for the game Hollow Knight!
as a joke, they're often called "shovel knight" or "shovel vessel" because their nail unintentionally ended up looking like a shovel (it was supposed to be more like an arrow)

also, they can't actually speak-- i just added that one text bubble for comedy

if you steal them i will eat your limbs
Image size
1459x773px 253.5 KB
© 2017 - 2024 Timefixers
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zerodino's avatar

Lil dude has played too much Shovel Knight