The quarian they call KALTiJiL on DeviantArt

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The quarian they call KAL



KAL! The quarian they call KAL!

Not enough of this guy. He's JAYNE, for God's sake. JAYNE!
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The man they call Kal!
He would whip out his rockets and leave his foes on the floor.
Stood up to the geth and he gave them what for.
Our love for him now, ain't hard to recall,
The hero of Rannoch, the man they call Kal!
Now Kal saw the Quarians achin'.
He saw the Quarian's pain.
And he saw the rogue geth takin'
Their homeworld and leavin' them shame.
So he said, "You can't do that to my people!"
"You can't crush them under your heel."
Kal strapped onto his back,
A heavy weapons pack,
And listened to those bastard robots squeal.
He would whip out his rockets and leave his foes on the floor.
Stood up to the geth and he gave them what for.
Our love for him now ain't hard to recall,
The Hero of Rannoch, the man they cal Kal.
Now here is what separates heroes
From common folk like you and I.
The man they call Kal,
Would call you his pal,
And for you, he'd be willing to die.
He fought geth on Haestrom.
He fought geth colossi.
The man they call Kal
He survived it all,
And shouted out "KEELAH SE'LAI!"
Here we go!
He would whip out his rockets and leave his foes on the floor.
Stood up to the geth and he gave them what for.
Our love for him now ain't hard to recall,
The Hero of Rannoch, the man they call Kal!