Just started a cosplay blog. c:http://pahasotaherra.blogspot.comNekocon and Animecon were awesome, especially Animecon. At the moment I'm really out of money, but luckily I'll soon get some... Then I can start making Klavier.Clubs I'm in::iconedgeyxnick: :iconedgeworth-fans: :iconace-attorney-club: :iconturnabout-club: :iconshizuke-fc: :icondurarara-fc: :iconsuomenconit: :icondurarara-cosplay: :iconizayaxshizuoclub:
Unfortunately Desucon 2011 was a disappointment. I'm still a bit pissed off about it right now. I wanted to have a great con where I could enjoy quality program and have a good time with my friends. That didn't happen. I couldn't sleep and suffered from stress and squeamishness. I had really looked forward to our Umineko and DRRRR!! groups but I didn't get to hang out with the other members as much as I had wanted to. That's probably the main reason I'm still so irritated. Also my Delic!Shizuo cosplay was a failure. I looked like Tamaki with glasses. I know that my face is so wide that I shouldn't cosplay males, but I can't help it. I want...
Each tagged person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal.
You have to choose and tag 10 some people and post their icons on the same journal.
Go to their pages and tell them you tagged them.
No tag backs.i. During junior high school I was a selfish, constantly angsting little bitch who lost many friends because of her behaviour. Since ninth grade I've desperately tried to become a better person. I don't ever, EVER want to be like the 13-year-old me again.ii. Thinking about future makes me nervous. I'm afraid that I'm not good enough to be fine in this society. I fear that I'll have to spend the rest of my life alone and wit...