tigaer on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tigaer/art/com-cept-23-Let-s-Take-The-Boat-Out-707741973tigaer

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tigaer's avatar

com-cept 23 - Let's Take The Boat Out



Started this one quite a while ago. First the collaboration between the artgroups The Luminarium (which I'm a part of) & The Cosmosys Collective made me take it out and refine it. The result is AURORA: www.projectaurora.art/ - A fantastic collection of inspiring work!

The pic itself started (as usual) more like an experiment. I liked what it turned into and decided to go forward with it. Rendered and composed in Vue. Refined and detailed via Photoshop. Atmosphere and colours via Lightroom. Specific Info: v5.tigaer-design.com/?p=2764

Wallpapers: v5.tigaer-design.com/?page_id=…

Like my work and want to stay uptodate? -> www.facebook.com/tigaerdesign/

Image size
1900x858px 394.6 KB
© 2017 - 2024 tigaer
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totiltwithwindmills's avatar
Your sci-fi work is some of the best I've seen and this piece is further proof. =D