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Wii White VS



Update: For those of you that downloaded before the 1st of December, please re-download the zip. I've updated it with the proper files. I uploaded the wrong zip initially.

Well here's the VS port of my Wii White WindowBlinds skin.

I took the opportunity to change a few things for this port. You might notice some things that are different from the WindowBlinds skin.

There are 4 substyles, a normal and compact start menu. Aswell as two alternative start buttons -the 'House Symbol' and 'Wii Logo'.

This is -in my opinion- better than the WindowBlinds version, Even though the WindowBlinds skin offers more in terms of what is able to be customized, I still consider it to be better. But you'll probably think differently.

I'm still working on the black version. Because StyleBuilder and the Msstyle (Visual Style) format is limited in what is able to be changed and customized, so I think I'll have to re-think certain aspects of the style. But hopefully it won't look too completely different from the WindowBlinds version.


If you experience any problems with this, please let me know. Because I'll more or less update it from time to time. One thing that I do need to actually do though, is the graphics for the shellstyle...so ignore it for now. I'm having problems with skinning it.

Please DO NOT redistribute or modify any parts of this skin, without my permission first.


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LeMuEl395's avatar
i noe im kinda late but i barely found this nd i tried it out nd it said theme could not b applied