Tibumeru's avatar


Years Ago
373 Members929 Watchers

★ Welcome - ★ Species - ★ Teams - ★ Discord

► The world of Tibumeru takes place in the same time line as ours, but in an alternate reality, where it is possible for the creatures to exist in the first place. All land is forced together to form one giant land mass, making the oceans impossibly vast. Who knows what other creatures may emerge from this world..

Tibumeru World Map [Tibumeru]

★ Map Artwork by Eralieu, please click to see the full version !

★ You can find more information by clicking STORY in the buttons above-- among others. The world story is constantly changing !

► This RP group is open to everyone ! It is both an art and RP group. Make your own Tibumeru FOR FREE by joining ! We're always open !

There is no artistic requirement required. To join, you must fill out an application. Please read carefully. Everything you need can be found bellow. You do not have to RP if you don't want to, you do not have to draw if you don't want to. There are no punishments for inactivity !

★ ★ Tibumeru are closed species-- ★ ★
You must become a member of the group or purchase to have one !

► Start with the research ! Click this button for all the info you need !
★ Guidebook

If you are on mobile, you can get all the same info here:
★ Mobile Guidebook

► Make sure you read through it !

► It's time to create your character ! Someone else can draw the application for you !

► Please, do not start drawing until you are sure you completely understand the species !

►► You can send in sketches for review !! Keep in mind that some rare traits are not allowed to new members ! They must be earned later on.

► It's time to submit your character ! Please do not send a join request without an application ! To submit your character, you must note it to us.

► By joining our group, you agree to abide by our rules.

► Once you send in your application, an admin will look over it, and if something isn't right or just doesn't fit with our group, you may be asked to make changes ! As long as you make the changes, you'll be allowed in !

♥ Please NOTE us with any questions you may have !

★ General Rules ::

  • Respect is the number one rule in this group! If you do not respect others and their works, you will be banned. Racism, Transphobia, Homophobia, etc. are all autoban offences, as is art theft of any kind.

  • Custom Tibumeru may not be ordered from anyone besides NotDamien, Bunlie, Eralieu, Naddillu, or PocketPrism. Check here to see who is authorized to sell Tibumeru adopts!

  • You are responsible for anything that happens on your account. There are no exceptions!

  • Your account must be ONE month old before you can join! Exceptions will be made if you are just moving from one account to another, but you need to warn us in advance when you plan to move accounts! Side accounts not allowed !

  • If you are not on the admin team, you are not a moderator! No white knighting or claiming to be an "unofficial mod" If there's a problem, report it to admins, do not try to 'correct' anyone, you will be banned immediately if you're caught trying to trick people into thinking you are acting on our behalf. These are our Admins! We will never send out a member on our behalf!

★ Art Rules ::

  • You must have permission to use other people's work! Tracing is never allowed! Always give credit where it's due! Please try to credit any references.

  • Stock resources and textures do not have to be credited!

  • "Loli/Shota" art [sexual depections of those under eighteen] is not allowed per Deviantart Guidelines! If your character is, or appears to be, underage, mature content is not allowed! Yes people under eighteen do explicit things, this is specifically asking that you do no post art/writing of them in explicit situations, thank you!

  • Tag your triggers and mature content as necessary!

★ Roleplay Rules ::

  • Always ask! God moding, forced intimacy, use of characters without permission, etc, is against the rules! Be respectful of what isn't yours!

  • Ask. First.

  • Yeah, seriously that's the only rule!

  • Please just discuss what you'd like to do before you do it! Thank you!


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Group Info

An RP group for both Writers && artists using an original shark-based humanoid species !

  • Founded
  • 365 Members
  • 8 Admins
  • 128.7K Pageviews
  • Post Spotlight

    9TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT by NotDamien, journal