I r Tiana :] Photographer, anime lover, anime con freak, concert junkie, kandi kid, raver, etc...
Favourite genre of music: k-pop, rock, metal, j-rock, techno, breakbeat
Favourite style of art: Photography and Origami
MP3 player of choice: iPod touch
Wallpaper of choice: Vocaloids!
Favourite cartoon character: Billy, Mandy, & Grim
Favourite Movies
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Favourite TV Shows
Adventure Time
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
BEAST/B2ST, SHINee, ADTR, and more
Favourite Books
The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Canon EOS Rebel T1i, Adobe Photoahop CS5, beads, string, paper, & pens
Other Interests
Photography, raves, music, manga, anime