Tetris TypographyTiagosemH on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tiagosemh/art/Tetris-Typography-195332684TiagosemH

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Tetris Typography



Trabalho experimental. a príncipio eu queria criar algo somente com os blocos do jogo tetris, depois de algumas tentativas acabei desistindo da minha ideia inicial e procurei referências de cores e estilos, acabei adotando o Cyan, Magenta, Amarelo e preto, e por fim, pensei em criar texto usando os quadrados do cenário.

Espero que curtam. Fav e comentários são sempre bem vindos.


Experimental work. on principle I just wanted to create something with the blocks game tetris, after a few attempts I gave up my initial idea and searched references of colors and styles, I ended up adopting the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and black, and finally I thought to create text using the squares of the scenario.

I hope you enjoy. Fav and comments are always welcome

Sorry for bad english
Image size
595x842px 427.52 KB
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greenhood-kanno's avatar
Excellent work.....