Winter Queen Contest Winners

4 min read

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Thy-Darkest-Hour's avatar

Congratulations to all of the Winter Queen Contest winners and honorable mentions and to all of those who entered, each piece was an amazing work of art and I am all ready looking foward to our next contest! If you have any ideas, comment!
:iconintermediate-manips: Contest Sponsor.


1st place goes to FP-Digital-Art with Frozen…
Frozen by FP-Digital-Art

2nd place goes to: AtraLunaDesign with The Winter Queen…

3rd place goes to: StarsColdNight with Frozen Queen…
Frozen Queen by StarsColdNight

The winners were chosen due to their images completely embodying the theme of the winter queen being someone who is as cold at heart as the ice covered winter kingdom she presides over. As well, the beauty of these images and the technical skill with which they are put together is amazing. I hope that you enjoy these images so much that you will have to see the rest of their galleries!

Honorable Mentions: (in no particular order)

GentianaArts with Winter Queen missalmostperfect.deviantart.c…

annewipf with Snow Queen…

Fotomonta with Winter Queen
Winter Queen by Fotomonta

You can view all of the images submitted to the contest here: intermediate-manips.deviantart…

In need of another contest? Check this one out:
Closer-to-Divine, DACipher, TheArtOfManipulation, and Color-Our-Dreams are co-sponsoring a very quick contest around the theme, "Memories," and you are invited to join! The contest is in support of Project Educate's Tutorials segment. Contestants will create a deviation from ANY visual media that uses at least one tutorial, in whole or in part. The deviation should center on a memory you have had-- it can be either a beautiful memory or a nightmare. Hurry; the contest is underway right now and ends on January 2nd, 2012. For more information, visit any of the four groups.

To those receiving features from me, those features will arrive later in the week and into the new year.

© 2011 - 2025 Thy-Darkest-Hour
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OritBJ's avatar
wonderful works congratz to the winners, well deserved! :love: