Clouds Are Fluffy ThingsThunderElemental on DeviantArt

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ThunderElemental's avatar

Clouds Are Fluffy Things



Colored from here.

Took me long enough. Really long. It's not that I'm lazy (well okay, I'm a bit lazy :P), I'm just trying to do so many things... vector ponies, my comic, a java game,
C&C maps for a mod, and have I ever mentioned that I like playing games? Not very many games, but those ones that I play, I play a lot (C&C3 Kane's Wrath, GMod TTT).
And that's just some of the stuff I do. Also, things.

Okay, back on this particular picture. Well. I chose to vector this from the sketch batch because I liked it the most. It just happened that it featured pegasi on clouds with sky background again.
Don't I have any other ideas for a SoarinDash pic? :|

Anyways, it's done now, and at least it's not set at sunset. Ugh. My next shipping pic will have no clouds or sunsets, I can promise that. Oh, and the moon was blatantly stolen from my older vector. :P

But enough rambling, leave a fav or even a comment if you like it. :)

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4780x3200px 4.41 MB
© 2014 - 2025 ThunderElemental
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KucolKucolika's avatar
Can i make a base ? :3