We believe in portraying the characters that we cosplay as much as possible, putting an even higher emphasis on the performance aspect than the costume sometimes. If this means learning a fictional language like Dothraki for Drogo or High Valyrian for Daenerys, learning an accent for Merida, Jon Snow, or Oberyn, shaving Ethan's head for Krieg, or totally altering our diet and workout plans in order to get shredded for Vega and bulky for Bane, we do it.
After meeting for the first time while working at a renaissance faire, we both knew we had a mutual love for having fun, dressing up, and being silly. After that, a mutual obsession with Game of Thrones helped our involvement with cosplay bloom. We hope you'll join us as we strive to reach our goal of portraying a Thousand Faces as well as possible...it might be a while, but every good adventure starts somewhere!
We use all proceeds from print sales to benefit charity, usually Tenth Life Cat Shelter in St. Louis.