Google Chrome - MacV1.0 ThemeThorny23 on DeviantArt

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Google Chrome - MacV1.0 Theme



|.-.-. MAC V1.0 BY THORNY .-.-.|
Wow, it's finally here, taken me some
time but i managed to do it. Here we
have a full theme developed by me
Thorny, for the new open source browser
Google Chrome. The theme has been inspired
by Mac Osx and felt that i should do a Mac
theme so here it is.

This has taken me a long time to complete and
a lot of frustration and hard work has gone into
this, so if you do go sharing it, please ensure
that you give me creditation or i shall hunt you
down and stamp on you until you squeel like a pig.

It has been a fun experience and i hope you enjoy
using the theme, if you have any problems with the
theme, then please do feel free to get in touch with
me via email. Im on most days and im willing to have
a chat.

Im also looking for a few developers to possibly
setup a theme's development site or to join one.
Email -


1. Im guessing you have downloaded the file, otherwise you wouldnt be reading this.

2. Extract the files from the archive using your own extraction tool. Ie: WinRAR

3. Go to: (Replacing USERNAME with your username)
Vista - C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\\Themes
XP - C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\LocalSettings\AppData\Google\Chrome\Application\\Themes

And backup your existing, Default.DLL file (Just incase anything goes wrong)

4. Copy over Default.DLL from your extracted files into your Themes folder

5. Open up Chrome and walla! You have a new theme installed.

6. Share with as many people as you may wish to do so!

Many Thanks Go To Myself, WinMatrix.Com, And A Few Others
All The Best

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