VRM Shunter - 'Caden'ThomasandTUGSFan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thomasandtugsfan/art/VRM-Shunter-Caden-598781134ThomasandTUGSFan

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VRM Shunter - 'Caden'



VRM's Shunter, 'Caden' is seen at the railway museum shunting some priceless rollingstock that had once served the railway in its vast rich history. Caden is seen shunting one of the royal carriages that was once hauled by NWR No.4 'Gordon' when Queen Elizabeth II visited the railway in 1952.

Caden was first built in 1960 by Yorkshire Engine Co. and worked most of his shunting life in Manchester. By 1969, Caden was withdrawn from his service as shunting engine and was left on the scrap road. When the railway museum over on Sodor was in need of a shunting engine that same year, Caden was given a new job and new life, however most railway purists weren't happy that the museum bought an engine that had no purpose on Sodor before. But despite that, Caden proved that despite not being Sodor in his working life, he was happy enough to create some new history. 

Caden can be often grumpy and felt that he doesn't get much attention then the museum engines. But he's not a bad engine at times and always look out and admire a fellow engine.

Models and Routes: WildNorWester3D, TheJonateers and Simply Sudrian.

All Thomas rights belong to HIT Entertainment/Mattel

Caden is a fanmade fictional character created by WildNorWester3D
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Hope he 'Caden' Get some love,Nice story. Keep up the good work