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'As Captain Star and Zero had closed business due to the railway and air travel taking over work of delivering goods, most of the tugs were sold to other harbours and private owners. O.J was taken in custody by the Bigg City Marine Museum as the 'Only paddle steaming tug' in the city. Ten Cents and Sunshine went to work Up River, Big Mac and Warrior were sold to a private owner and Hercules was working for the navy.
However, Top Hat was sold for scrap and even though he was planned for target practice by the navy if nobody buys him, he hopes that someone will buy him for good use. Meanwhile on Sodor, steam was being preserved by a well-known man who has engines that are rare to find in preservation like the E2, A0, a modified 'Larger Seagull', J70 and once a failed hybrid of an GNR A1 Pacific and GNR C1 Atlantic which later turned into a Black Five.
While the harbour was needed for an extension, there were not enough tugboats to help out transferring the cargo and so the harbour master asked for the Fat Controller's help. He knew that his old friend Captain Star is selling one of his tugs and so went to Harry's Scrapyard in Mittsville and saw a broken down Top Hat. Soot and Dust was all over his face, his hat was damaged, his monocle was damaged and his number and star from his former fleet was stolen by scrap merchants and his stack was rusting away.
However, the snobbish tugboat looked down towards the stout gentleman and remembered him many years ago. Top Hat use to work at Brendam before he was sold to Captain Star. He remembered engines like Thomas, Edward, Gordon and Henry during the Island's early years before heading for Bigg City. The Fat Controller bought cheap, as the sign says 'At buyers choice' and was soon transferred to the Island of Sodor. Ten Cents and Sunshine who were working nearby whistled a friendly 'goodbye' to their former workmate. They'll miss him, but they knew he was happy for his new lease of life at Brendam docks on the Island of Sodor.'
I was inspired by StepneyComeBack's upcoming series, 'TUGS: Tales from Sodor' this is non-canon towards the series, but its an idea of what happened after Top Hat's life in Bigg City and was taken back to Sodor as part of its importance of steam preservation. Anyway I suggest you should watch the upcoming series, it does look promising and it looks entertaining. Best of luck to the people behind the project. Plus, I'm not a big fan of Thomas/TUGS crossovers or any other type of crossover with Thomas, but this picture came to my mind.
The Fat Controller: (C) HIT Entertainment/Mattel
TUGS: (C) David Mitton and Robert D. Cardona
However, Top Hat was sold for scrap and even though he was planned for target practice by the navy if nobody buys him, he hopes that someone will buy him for good use. Meanwhile on Sodor, steam was being preserved by a well-known man who has engines that are rare to find in preservation like the E2, A0, a modified 'Larger Seagull', J70 and once a failed hybrid of an GNR A1 Pacific and GNR C1 Atlantic which later turned into a Black Five.
While the harbour was needed for an extension, there were not enough tugboats to help out transferring the cargo and so the harbour master asked for the Fat Controller's help. He knew that his old friend Captain Star is selling one of his tugs and so went to Harry's Scrapyard in Mittsville and saw a broken down Top Hat. Soot and Dust was all over his face, his hat was damaged, his monocle was damaged and his number and star from his former fleet was stolen by scrap merchants and his stack was rusting away.
However, the snobbish tugboat looked down towards the stout gentleman and remembered him many years ago. Top Hat use to work at Brendam before he was sold to Captain Star. He remembered engines like Thomas, Edward, Gordon and Henry during the Island's early years before heading for Bigg City. The Fat Controller bought cheap, as the sign says 'At buyers choice' and was soon transferred to the Island of Sodor. Ten Cents and Sunshine who were working nearby whistled a friendly 'goodbye' to their former workmate. They'll miss him, but they knew he was happy for his new lease of life at Brendam docks on the Island of Sodor.'
I was inspired by StepneyComeBack's upcoming series, 'TUGS: Tales from Sodor' this is non-canon towards the series, but its an idea of what happened after Top Hat's life in Bigg City and was taken back to Sodor as part of its importance of steam preservation. Anyway I suggest you should watch the upcoming series, it does look promising and it looks entertaining. Best of luck to the people behind the project. Plus, I'm not a big fan of Thomas/TUGS crossovers or any other type of crossover with Thomas, but this picture came to my mind.
The Fat Controller: (C) HIT Entertainment/Mattel
TUGS: (C) David Mitton and Robert D. Cardona
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2074x1272px 1.2 MB
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Now THAT'S a logical explanation