Eric and Alice at TidmouthThomasandTUGSFan on DeviantArt

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Eric and Alice at Tidmouth



Eric and Alice doing their usual business, hauling trains and just to clarify NO this is not a pairing. I'm not into parings and that is that because I find it to be weird.

Thomas: (C) HIT Entertainment/Mattel

Models and Routes: Sodor Island 3D/WildNorWester3D

Alice and Eric are not offical Thomas characters, only fanmade.
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1024x768px 235.32 KB
© 2013 - 2025 ThomasandTUGSFan
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Lightninging63's avatar
I like these two from WNW. He's done a very good job modelling them and telling their stories.
I would like to know who did the face for Alice- it's a really good job, that.