Earl of Sodor/Haverfordwest CastleThomasandTUGSFan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thomasandtugsfan/art/Earl-of-Sodor-Haverfordwest-Castle-955592941ThomasandTUGSFan

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Earl of Sodor/Haverfordwest Castle



In 1949, the GWR castle class locomotives were still being built. However they were built under British Railways' Western Region and one of these engines is BR 7021 'Haverfordwest Castle'. During her service life under her original name, she'd been allocated to sheds in South Wales and pulled trains from there to Paddington and frequently hauled the 'Pembroke Coast Express' which ran from Paddington to Pembroke Dock. She was then withdrawn from service in 1963 and this is where Sir Robert Norramby comes into the story. After being inspired by the likes of Alan Pegler, the first owner of Flying Scotsman, Sir Robert had decided to purchase his own steam locomotive to run enthusiast specials with to help gain some money for special projects that he had plans for. One of these is to reopen the castle on the Ulfstead estate. He'd noticed from one person he had met on the mainland about Haverfordwest Castle and so after so much persuasion, he bought the locomotive and was repaired at Swindon in 1964. 

Meanwhile the Earl thought to give his engine a name and thought of naming it after his title. Haverfordwest Castle thought it was a wonderful idea as her new name feels like having a fresh start. Since there was no shed or rails leading to the castle, Sir Robert had arranged with Sir Charles Topham Hatt to keep 'Earl of Sodor' at Tidmouth. The engines got on well with the GWR castle class locomotive. Duck was especially proud to share a shed with such a high class engine, however Gordon was opposite. Meanwhile 'Earl of Sodor' had done many tours on the Island of Sodor as well as on the mainland and Sir Robert had managed to gain funds, along with his payments by being a member of the council of the Duchy of Lancaster, to keep 'Earl of Sodor' running but for his projects as well. While not on tours, 'Earl of Sodor' would help out running express trains on the North Western Railway. 

When British Railways had placed a ban of steam after August 11th, 1968, Sir Robert had placed the steam tours on hiatus and 'Earl of Sodor' would work on express trains on the NWR as far as Barrow-In-Furness, due to contract obligations that were made between the NWR and the LMS in 1925. However by 1973, BR had lifted the ban on steam locomotives and Sir Robert restarted tour trains again but only on approved steam routes that BR had placed. 

When Ulfstead Castle was finally opened to the public in 1980, 'Earl of Sodor' was on display albiet not in steam as she was delivered there by lorry due to the tracks and bridge, at the time, on Thomas' branch line not being strong enough to hold an engine like 'Earl of Sodor'. She will however travel on the branch line when the line had been upgraded to hold the weight of Geoffrey in 2021 whenever she hauls the 'Ulfstead Flyer' service. But during her time after the castle had been opened, she would still run tours for the Earl's other projects, she had even attended some events on the mainland celebrating 150 years of the Great Western Railway in 1985. The following year, Sir Robert had made another purchase of a steam locomotive going by the name 'Duchess' who was a member of the LMS Coronation Class. She was to help out with 'Earl of Sodor' with rail tours too but with no room at Tidmouth, she was allocated to the former 'Steam Town' museum in Carnforth on the mainland in 1990. Whenever 'Earl of Sodor' is on tour on the mainland, she would often meet up with Duchess at the museum and would sometimes tell her the news about the goings on at home on Sodor. Occassionally, Duchess would return to Sodor and would help out with the Ulfstead Flyer service as well. 

Today, 'Earl of Sodor' is still under the ownership of Sir Robert for nearly 60 years and the old engine still runs tours and helps out with the Fat Controller's engines as well. Here she is seen with Sir Robert Norramby at Ulfstead Castle while 'Glynn' is seen in the background providing tours for passengers around the castle estate.


Earl of Sodor is availble now at Vicarstown Transport Co.: vicarstowntranspor.wixsite.com…

Models: Earl of Sodor (Vicarstown Transport Co.), Glynn, Sir Robert Norramby (The Mavrellous Mainland Model Works), Stephen's coaches (The Locomotive Works, no longer available)

Route: Ulfstead Castle (Crovans Gate Works)

All Thomas rights belong to HIT Entertainment/Mattel
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Are planning episodes of her based on this info you gave her?