Day Out at Crovans Gate: Mavis and HarveyThomasandTUGSFan on DeviantArt

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Day Out at Crovans Gate: Mavis and Harvey



FQC's D1 'Mavis' had just finished her maintenance during the Christmas break and is now ready to go back to the Ffarquhar quarry company at Anopha at the end of Thomas' branch line. As she awaits for Henry to take her to Elsbridge on his goods train she was having a chat with CGW's No.27 'Harvey' while NWR D6 'Pip' and D7 'Emma' make their way to Knapford with the Wild Nor' Wester from London on the mainland. 


I've been to America for three weeks and now I'm back and just downloaded Crovan Gates Works' Vicarstown route and it was fantastic, especially the works! You can download it now on their website:

Models and Routes: TheSudrianCommunity, Sodor Workshops, Sodor Island 3D and Crovans Gate Works
All Thomas rights belong to HIT Entertainment/Mattel
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1920x1080px 289.19 KB
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supersudric's avatar
Such a spectacular shot!:squee: