Martian DawnThomas-Peters on DeviantArt

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Martian Dawn



Vehicles loosely based on the 1986 NASA NERVA 2 INterplanetary spacecraft design. This piece actually started out as a test of my new Mk II Mars close-up terrain, using Mars Orbital Laser Altimetry Data to deform a geodesic metaform 1/8th sphere. Then I put another (slightly larger) 1/8 sphere over it to create the atmosphere. Then inspiration struck, and this is the result. I all ready had modeled the NERVA 2 vehicle some time ago.

Modeled and rendered in Lightwave 8.5, with touch up in Photoshop.

Thanks for taking a look!
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1400x585px 504.28 KB
© 2010 - 2024 Thomas-Peters
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rjpugh's avatar
Very nice!

Interesting fact: NASA, the ESA and the RKA (Russian Space agency) are doing joint feasibility studies on a manned mission to Mars, hopefully to take place at the end of the next decade. The leading design is basically an updated version of the aforementioned NERVA plan from the 1980's. Some ideas stick around because they "just simply work."