Leonov: Trans-Jovian InjectionThomas-Peters on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thomas-peters/art/Leonov-Trans-Jovian-Injection-136754167Thomas-Peters

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Leonov: Trans-Jovian Injection



The Alexei Leonov, not from the film 2010, but designed based on Arthur C. Clarke's novel 2010: Odyssey Two, and a bit of logical extrapolation of current s[ace technology, and Soviet design methodology.

In this image, Leonov has already broken orbit about Earth, and is beginning its long arcing flight path toward Jupiter. The Sacharov drive is thrusting at its full .1 g and the radiators are glowing dull red as they dissipate the waste heat. Radiators from the MHD powerplant are glowing slightly dimmer amidships. TheLeonov will pull away ever more quickly from the Earth-Moon system as the Liquid Hydrogen is expended in the 4 enormous boost tanks, which will be jettisoned when they are depleted.

Modeled and rendered in Lightwave 3D 8.5.
Thanks for taking a look!
By the way, the image really benefits from the full-size view.
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1600x1032px 194.93 KB
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steve-burg's avatar
Yay! Heat radiator :D!!!

This is a very believable rendition and very consistent with the novel!