Asteroid Fly-ByThomas-Peters on DeviantArt

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Asteroid Fly-By



En-Route to her rendezvous with Comet Murasaki-Tate III, the Deep Spacecraft COURAGEOUS flies by the Near Earth Asteroid 2092-3087, nicknamed "Frigid Nelson", in an apparent homage to Captain Dame Daphne Richardson's ex-husband. An impactor cloud of microprobes has been released and will make contact with the asteroid a few hours after COURAGEOUS's closest approach.
Built and rendered in Lightwave 8.5, with post work done in Photoshop CS2.
Thanks for taking a look!

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© 2009 - 2025 Thomas-Peters
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SpaceInquiries's avatar
is the ship spinning along its short axis? (sort of assume since the habitat is at one end and the (Ion?) thrusters appear to be in the middle)