.Some Rules.
🔸 Leave a comment with your favorite artwork!
🔸Please keep your criticism constructive.
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I love your art keep going <3
thank you very much for the kind words
you are welcome
Your work is immense... immense. The attention to detail of your linework is mind-blowing - you must put so much time and effort into each piece, and it's totally worth it. Consider me well and truly impressed.
(... To be honest, I have half a mind that I should be making my own lines more complex, which is a scary thought, because I'm a lazy fuck.)
Anyway, great work - kudos on a portfolio stacked with utter bangers. And, a Tolkien fan, to boot - do you ever get tired of being fabulous?
thank you kindly. I have actually put focus lately on improving my more traditional drawing style, and shading. I feel once I start getting hang of it, it almost comes natural. but it's so much fun and I enjoy each and every piece I make.
you my friend are fabulous, and I'm grateful for the support and kind words
Love your Arcane Portraits(Singed and Heimerdinger)!! I may not be a digital artist but I have some skill when mixing photos and things together to get a good cover for my own playlists!!! You can view my galleries if you want! Happy New Year and Merry Late Christmas for 3 days ago!!!