ThisIsHuhWowComics on DeviantArt

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Sorrow Shall Prevail ]40k story-art [ link in desc



'The vanishing sun cast its last rays upon a dying city as Loimos, Grand Mourner of 'The Requiescate' steered his iron-clad feet through its pavements.
The dull sheen of the plague-marines rusted terminator-armor melted in well with the drab scenery that was surrounding him.
The city had been under siege by the Nurglite warband for a long time. Its citizens had resisted valiantly but eventually the disease and attrition had taken its toll on the defenders.
And then, finally, the sorrow overcame them like it did all else.Now disease ridden human husks lay all across the sprawling urban landscape. Some of them were dead,
others were in the process of taking their last breath.
Yet most still clung to life, their cries of woe echoing loud all throughout the urban sprawl.'


The above is a excerpt from 'Sorrow shall prevail' a 40k audio-story written and narrated by me.

You can watch the full video here:…

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1900x1440px 727.12 KB
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