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ThisIsHuhWowComics's avatar

Heaven is a place (Warhammer 40k fanart)

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"I have heard that the priests and prophets of this wretched world tell you about a 'Heaven'. A paradise-realm promised by the corpse-god to his believers. But I say to you; Heaven is a place not in some distant afterlife, but one that the Lords of All have already began manifesting in the very fabric of our universe..."

- excerpt from a sermon by Rah Fel, lord of the Word Bearer warband known as 'The Promise'

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SkyPotatoFire's avatar

"I remember that time on Nostromo when my missionaries and I found an ancient relic from old Earth known as a Gucci bag that matched my skin scabbard. Anyway this is why the orks are truly wiser than us. Any questions before the sacrifice?"