Glittering Gold (Dragon TF Contest Entry)
Ferdi listened closely to the rasping, uneven breaths of his human companion, as she sat against the wall of the cave, her thin gray hair and wrinkled face shaking with each cough.
A dragon of several centuries, Ferdi was far from unfamiliar with the concept of death. Many a beast had perished at the end of his claws, under the heat of his breath, or sheered between his teeth. When the rare, metal-shelled humans had attempted to pierce his glimmering emerald scales with their metal-forged pale imitations of his claws and teeth, he had killed them almost as easily as he had the cattle. Over the years, he had witnessed disease, accident, and age bring death to man, beast, tree, one and all, one after another. Ferdi knew death well.
No, what Ferdi was unfamiliar with, was the death of something he did not wish dead.
Ferdi had seen the signs for some time. Veronica’s movements had grown stiffer in recent days. She had trouble eating, even when Ferdi had attempted to cut her