Monthly Feature Challenge: AIR by pinkythepink, journal
Monthly Feature Challenge: AIR
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Usually Live Chat
Air is an element I find difficult to represent. There's some things I believe everyone can get behind, like swirls of motion for wind. 'Air' based magic is rarely ever just the air itself though, they often control storms, or especially electrical based spells. Clouds are something I considered to fit more into the 'water' feature a few months ago, but they are more often part of air thematically. Likewise, anything with wings is usually part of air's theme. Because air is so much more easily represented by objects in it rather than some motion swirls, this month's challenge is
Artisan Crafts DD Roundup June 2016 by Talty, journal
Artisan Crafts DD Roundup June 2016
Here's the DDs I feature during the month of June 2016 :) I appreciate all suggestions, so please send me more! Suggestions have been a bit slow lately, so don't hesitate to send them to me or pinkythepink ( :la:
`Talty ( Features by Talty (
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Party-Feature Vol. 1: Sweets I! by Yuukon, journal
Party-Feature Vol. 1: Sweets I!
Remember when I had you all find my cookies and candies? Well, today is the big reveal of all the delicous looking, cute and adorable sweets you have sent me!
News + Weekly Gallery Highlight by ArtisanCraft, journal
News + Weekly Gallery Highlight
community related news
:bulletgreen: This month's challenge theme is Garden You can check out results of the February challenge here
:bulletgreen: You can see the monthly DDs roundup here and here
contests and giveaways
:bulletgreen: balthasarcraft ( is having a jewelry raffle in order to motiva
Hello! Welcome back to the second edition of 'Teach Me, Senpai!' here at fella. If you're unfamiliar with what this is, it's essentially a monthly feature of tutorials, made by deviants, explaining individual tasks, which then come together into one whole project. This month, we're going to be making a mini polymer clay dessert scene, kind of a 'buffet' of sorts. :la:
Getting Started
Making The Desserts
Something To Drink
And Some Plates
And if you managed to look through those without getting seriously hungry, you, my friend, have a stomach of steel. :lol: I hope you found this useful and/or inspiring! :heart: And as always, suggestion
Its Tea Time
By DeevElliott (
APH cosplay–Tea time by snowhaven (
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It’s time for a tea break
Everyone has their little routines for arranging and breaking up their days.
The most interesting ones are those that give you a break from fixating on imminent deadlines, when problems are coming at you ten times every hour and you need to recalibrate a little just to breathe. There must be a moment to reorganize and process information. Counter–intuitively, “taking breaks” has been scientifically proven to actually increa