Rocken.v0.3thibaut28 on DeviantArt

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February 8, 2011
Rocken.v0.2 by ~thibaut28 Do you use FVWM? If yes, you should definitely try the Rocken!
Featured by Alexander-GG
thibaut28's avatar




Rocken v0.3 on FVWM v2.5.28

To update, just right-click on desktop and select "Backup and Update" :D

Changelog :
:bulletblack: Fixed an annoying bug at startup (had crosshair, and had to click several times in order to startup)
:bulletblack: Updated the Cheat list
:bulletblack: Added scroll desktop action. Hold CTR + ALT + Mouse 1 when selecting titlebar and move left or right. Useful to take a quick glance ;)
:bulletblack: Animated window shading : windows will shade and move downward staying at the bottom of the screen. RIght-clicking on them will restore their original position.
:bulletblack: Animated window closing : windows will move upward out of screen and close.
:bulletblack: Now check at startup for update, and notify if an update for the configuration is available (Screen)
:bulletblack: Middle-click on desktop will raise a menu with the configuration manual

! Preview is better seen in fullview (Right-click on image > Copy Image Link and paste the link in another window/tab) or have a look here : Preview !

!! This configuration was made for a 1920x1200 screen, so keep in mind you may have additional tuning to do !!

Installation Process :

- Unzip the archive in your "~" folder (/home/user). That's it
- Read the preview for hints

Credits to :

:bulletgreen: horst3180 for his Naos conky config I slightly modded.
:bulletgreen: lassekongo83 for his Zuki Blues suite
:bulletgreen: Thinker-Philosopher for his Elysium Fvwm config I greatly modded.
:bulletgreen: izobalax for his interesting post about fonts
:bulletgreen: art-styles for his Wolke wallpaper set.

Progams needed :

:bulletblue: Conky
:bulletblue: Nitrogen
:bulletblue: Gnome-terminal
:bulletblue: Mpd
:bulletblue: Gmrun

For additional informations have a look here :
Rocken by ~thibaut28

Please do not hesitate to post feedback or request ;)
Holy C**p, a DD !! Thank you all :D
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QaisarNawaz's avatar
 Wut? I see a rain of awesomeness over here