theycallmeteddy on DeviantArt

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theycallmeteddy's avatar




Personal work.

Mythology is defined as the sacred stories of a particular culture, ancestors, heroes, also can be defined as a fiction, half truth ancient story.
This work refers to Greek mythology, the body of myths and legends belonging to the ancient Greeks concerning to their gods and heroes.
The power and dignity of ancient Greek gods are the main things that wanted to show to the audiences.

From all the concept story behind, the artist hopes art field, or even called as "the world of art" always rise bigger and bigger and stay remains like the existence of the mythology.

stock: [link] :iconsammykaye1sstamps:
3drender: :iconstinky666: :iconk3-studio:

and thanks to :iconfat-chubby: for the zeus rebrushing
Image size
4724x3150px 8.78 MB
© 2010 - 2024 theycallmeteddy
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WeskerIntheFlesh007's avatar
really cool picture, really interesting can stare at for and always see something new