Kiss tg FullTheXtra89 on DeviantArt

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Kiss tg Full



This is a redo of an old comic I did ([link]). I wanted to see if I've improved over the last year and a half. Also, I wanted to test out a new technique to draw comics; I don't know if I'll do another comic exactly the same way (way too much time/effort). Also, backgrounds...

I'm actually planning on writing a story based on this. It would sort of be a parody of zombie movies, except in this case, every time an infected girl kisses a guy, he transforms into an infected girl. Let me know your thoughts on that. (Edit: finished the first chapter: [link]. Let me know what you think.)

Anyway, enjoy.

Edit: I darkened the lines and fixed a few mistakes that were bugging me.
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2496x9577px 2.81 MB
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KoiPL's avatar

Will you make a remaster of this comic?