We’ll never be able to explain why
Explain to our kin why our elders die
When the time comes to say a final farewell
We crumble, our bodies become a shellLike my fathers before me, the time draws near
To say goodbye, a last time, to someone I hold dear
With a heavy heart I write my words
To the bravest soul who has much enduredWe as humans hate that which we can’t comprehend
Such as the sorrow felt when a life comes to end
No words to construct any thoughts coherent
We spend our time wallowing in bereavementFew words can come to ever assuage
Our ardent melancholy and our burning rage
The earth takes in the bodies we undertake
She holds the...
I left her dead by the sea shore.I left her where the waves were sure to pull her out to sea.This is what she asked of me, you see.She told me, days before, that she wanted to be buried in the ocean’s gentle, but masterful grasp.She told me she wanted to always smell of the balmy salt water that always crashed on the shore.She told me that she wanted to visit the Titanic, and the bottom of the deepest trench.She told me that it had been her dream to see what it was like under all that water.I told her that it wasn’t normal to be buried out at sea.I told her I would miss how she always smelled of lavender after the rains crashed on our mead...
Fox in a Henhouse: Chapter One by TrixbeeCassiGirl, literature
Fox in a Henhouse: Chapter One
I would have to come up with a plan, I realized, if I wanted to seize control of the kingdom in one fell swoop. It wouldn't happen overnight. There was no possible way that a mere servant boy (of my ranking, furthermore: I was looked down upon by the older working boys of the court) would be able to claw his way up through the ranks in such a short time. Reluctantly, I decided that I would have to bide my time until the opportune moment, though I was impatient to do so. But I forced myself to calm, and to think everything through. In order to rise to the top, I would have to become someone that held a ranking, someone that others t...
Never Happening Again by WRITERandPOET, literature
Never Happening Again
Tony slid across the tile of the kitchen floor, grabbing her small bottle of chocolate milk from the counter as she did. Artemis was laying on the couch in the living room. The girls had Tony's house all to themselves. Her parents were at work, Clint had football practice, and Jaymee was hanging out with her friends for the day. Artemis groaned like Mordecai from Regular Show and rolled over on her side. She ended up falling off the couch in the process. Tony walked over and sat down on her back."Dude, I'm so bored!" she complained, "what do you wanna do Artemis?" Her friend hit her leg, meaning that she wanted her to get off. Tony roll...
In The Basement Part 1 by WRITERandPOET, literature
In The Basement Part 1
Jaymee grabbed the bowl of chips and ran back. More people were showing up fast, and the part was to start in 5 minutes. The occasion? Clint's graduation party. People were arriving fast-friends, family, and even more extended family. Clint was in his room, getting in his cap and gown. Hayden, Rob, Ryan, and Mason were waiting for him. Jaymee walked by his bedroom door and saw Hayden helping Clint fix his hair.Men and their hair, Jaymee thought, bolting into her room. She grabbed a purple dress out of her closet and closed her door. She changed into her dress, which normally, she wouldn't be wearing, but she was presenting something for Cl...
Carmina picked up another box and blew dust off of it. It flew around her, causing her to cough. There were beams of light shining in from the attic window, but no other way of seeing besides that. She picked up a box with a photo album on top and headed back downstairs, trying to keep more dust from entering her nose.Zaria, Mercedes, and Harmon were waiting in the living room for her. They were all hanging out for the day. They had been doing homework, but that was finished. Since there wasn't much else to do, Carmina decided to snoop around in the attic. There were tons of boxes and other things there that she had never been through befo...
Do you ever have,
Anything nice to say to me?
Anything besides negative comments?I'm sick of hearing "I hate you",
And not seeing any affection.
I'm almost at my breaking point.What happened to that old saying?
If you don't have anything nice to say,
Don't say anything at all?Quit trashing what I like,
And what I do,
Or my love for a certain band.I'm just trying to be me,
So I'd really appreciate it,
If you'd be more supportive.Quit lying to me,
Because I know that somewhere,
Deep down inside, the truth is there.
Your music has changed my life,
It's helping me to heal.
Stitching up the wounds,
Giving me more confidence.Nothing else has ever been able,
To heal me so quickly.
Let alone heal me at all,
So I thank you for that.I feel like I belong to something,
When I listen to your music.
Like I'm part of something bigger,
That will take over the world.Your music makes me happy,
To be who I really am.
It's inspired me to be,
The more spontaneous me, without being afraid.
Set The World On Fire by WRITERandPOET, literature
Set The World On Fire
When they try to bring you down,
Set the world on fire.When it feels like no one is there,
Set the world on fire.When you don't know what to do,
Set the world on fire.When you're showing all of your scars,
Set the world on fire.When no one is listening,
Set the world on fire.When you feel like you're about to break,
Set the world on fire.When you stand against the liars,
Set the world on fire.When you're proud to be a freak,
Set the world on fire.When you feel alone,
Set the world on fire.
I'm proud to be me.
I enjoy doing the things,
That no one else does.
I don't mind being an outcast,
I love it.
Sure, there's nasty remarks,
But I don't care.
Those who mind don't matter,
And those who matter don't mind.
The only opinion I truly care about,
Is mine.
I'll wear what I please.
I'll do what makes me happy.
If I wanna spray random colors in my hair,
I will.
If I wanna draw stitches on my face with marker,
I will.
If I wanna wear socks with heels,
I will.
I don't care what you say.
It's my life, not yours.
So why does it matter to you?
I'll rise up with my flawed wings,
And smile when most would frown.
Your comments mean nothing....
Cut Corners CHAPTER 1 has officially been released! Interested in reading or learning more? Find all the information on the Cut Corners website! (cut-corners-story.carrd.co) "In a timeworn guild of genetically mutated cats, vague laws stand between sociable harmony and hostile war."