Alien TouristTheWoodenKing on DeviantArt

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TheWoodenKing's avatar

Alien Tourist



this is my image of an alien tourist
which has come to earth on vacation
sipping coffee (frape) while traveling the globe, but in his backpack he also has his flip-flops, sunblock, lasergun and anal probe!
he never leaves home without it :D

this will be put above the contents of our next fanzine "freeyourline #2"

pencils, scanned, photoshop CS with Wacom Graphire3 A6
Image size
825x800px 186.86 KB
anonymous's avatar
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mesnevi's avatar
I've grabbed this little guy for my collection (I've got all the walls in my cubicle covered with heartwarming pictures) more than ten years ago. He still lives there, unlike many others. Thank you for this decent drawing!