Favourite Visual Artist
anyone one who inspires to create art, but if i were to choose Joe mad and Humberto Ramos!!!!
Favourite Movies
anything with sci-fi, horror, anime, comedy, action, and imagination
Favourite TV Shows
hm? i like horror tv shows. korean??? walking dead, master chef, hannibal.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
anyone with a beat i can dance to but im a big fan of instrumental
Favourite Books
hm? manga!!! gaming magazines!!! horror books
Favourite Writers
stephen king all the way.hahaha
Favourite Games
all of them as long as they got blood, violence, fantasy, monsters, fighting, and war and a hell of a good story
Favourite Gaming Platform
all systems
Tools of the Trade
pencils and ink pens and sometimes markers
Other Interests
monsters monsters, monster pokemon, comics, video games, movies and lots of anime. with dinosaurs