I'm currently in college going into web design. I have a real passion for making websites and I personally see web design as an art, there are so many poor looking websites out there and so many sites that could be improved. I want to help the web move forward and away from sites that look like Microsoft word documents.
I will make graphics for you for bitcoins as well as payments through Paypal.
Current Residence: Minnesota
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Medium
Print preference: Canvas Print
Favourite genre of music: changes based upon my mood, I like almost everything
Favourite style of art: I think all styles are beautiful.
Operating System: Windows, Linux, Android, Chrome OS. (basically anything not made by Apple) but I can still use a Mac
MP3 player of choice: Android Cell Phone
Wallpaper of choice: a changing wallpaper with my best art on it.
Favourite cartoon character: Peter Griffin and Bender