TheWanderer-Chan's avatar


Navi, Rosa, Pinkie Pie
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Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (50)
My Bio

Hi. I'm Din, and I cosplay stuff sometimes. I like to think I'm pretty okay at it. I also do photoshoots in ways that make people think that I'm a model.

Favourite Movies
Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Disney
Favourite TV Shows
Project Runway, Law & Order: SVU
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
DragonForce, Masterplan, Altaria
Favourite Writers
Brent Weeks
Favourite Games
Zelda, Assassin's Creed, Mario Kart
Tools of the Trade
My fabulous self!
Other Interests
Roleplaying, costuming, photoshoots, Psychology
A few costumes are going to be retired:-Rosa is mostly done. -I will cry if I have to wear Prussia one more time. My contempt for that costume transcends all Nine Realms. -Probably won't wear Pinkie that much more often.I really have no idea what the con scene is going to look like for the next few months. Because I'm graduating in May, I'll have a job, but I don't know where i'll be or what I'll be doing. I don't know my work schedule or hours. It's a bit scary!Upcoming costumes:-Spitfire from My Little Pony -Navi will never be retired, ever. ;D -Black Widow from Marvel -I want to do Wanda from Fairly Odd Parents -Teutonic Knight Prussia,...
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Amazing con was amazing. My last convention as a college student, and the last conf or a few other costumes, too!I met amazing people Wore great costumes Got some nice stuff Got promise ring'd Some great photoshoots too!Photos will come! I've also done a few photoshoots since then too.
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Whoops! The semester just ate me up! My last year of school and I had to write a thesis and a million other papers. But I'm done now.Anyways, updates nobody cares about: I've started wearing Pinkie Pie more, so hopefully I'll have better pictures of her up soon.I got an offer for a photoshoot at the end of January that pays $250/hr for 4-6 hours. I'm hella excited about it!! Not sure if I'll get any pictures back from it or anything, but it will still be fun.Uploaded another picture.Also thanks for the support everyone. I really, really appreciate it!
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awesome cosplay !!!
Hey! i had a question. The corset you use for Navi looks somewhat comfortable. I wanted to know what kind is it. Cuz I've been looking for something like that for my sister. Since I can't find anything fairy-like for her Tatl cosplay. It looks like were gonna have to settle for the corset.
Hi! The corset is a stretchy jersey knit and plastic boning (that has since been removed in some parts)'s SUPER comfortable and I love it. I bought it on eBay 5 years ago when I first planned the costume and, to be honest, I have not found it since. It has sustained quite a bit of damage since so I've been looking to have it replaced, but I've not found it yet so I have to keep repairing it instead.
Are you going to Ota as Pinkie Pie this year? I so, I will give you a muffin from the Derpy handbag :3
I dont' think I will be; I've pretty much retired her. D: I'm hoping to have maybe Spitfire done by then?? IDK< Otakon is so up in the air right now lol. I don't even know what's going on.
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