thew40's avatar


Formerly thew39
939 Watchers600 Deviations
Something that burns my rubber? I love getting feedback and notes from followers and my fellow artists but like 99% of the correspondence I get from the "Chat" section on this site are weasels claiming they want to make a mural out of my artwork. Obviously, they are scammers. The 1% was from a guy who contacted me and, carrying on our conversation on Discord, wanted me to do a portrait of his son. Actually, he was also a scammer who tried to lull me into sending him cash via PayPal! The Chat function on Deviantart is virtually useless. Phooey!
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Literature
  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (242)
Gold Coin: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (2)
Gold Coin 2023: Someone thinks you're golden! (2)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!

Favourite Visual Artist
Terrabm, Alex Ross, Jim Lee, George Perez
Favourite Movies
LotR, Star Trek, Gladiator, Clerks, and many more
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Coldplay, Belle and Sebastian
Favourite Writers
Michael Chabon, J.R.R. Tolkien, Stephen King and others
Favourite Games
I don't play video games
Tools of the Trade
Prisma Markers, colored pencils, Photoshop (kinda)
Other Interests
Comics, action figures, television, and other geek stuff
Hello watchers, well-wishers, and wanderers extraordinaire. So I think I might start updating here, but if so, I need to hear from you. I have a new printer/scanner and have a serious back-log of artwork that I'd like to post maybe. Most of my writings won't be featured here because . . . I don't really write a whole lot anymore. I primarily write for publication now, though if you DM me, I'll send you a link to some kinky shit that I write under a pen name. The content that you'll primarily find here is: - toy photography - coloring of tame stuff, normally focusing on pregnancy because reasons - fan-art or OCs that, again, I color If you don't like those things, that's fine and that's on you. So long and thanks for all the fish. If you're cool with those things or at least can tolerate the one for the sake of the others, please stick around, thank you! Also here's some other links: Toy Photography: Insta: BackyardEternia Buy Me a Coffee (seriously I need money for new
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There's going to be a purge a comin'. I don't know what all is gonna go, but it'll be fairly extensive. Just time to. Some changes are coming. Actual changes!
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Changes abound

0 min read
Hey everyone!So I just wanted to let you all know that there will be some changes here.  Nothing drastic, but you can expect a few things leaving here.  No worries, it's primarily just the personal stuff that tie back to me.  Pics of the kids, of me, that sorta thing.  Also, book up-dates will be posted mainly here:  So go there for your fix.  I'll still be letting you all know when it's available for purchasing. This will be happening over the next few weeks, so no big rush.  And like I said, my most popular still will remain here for your enjoyment.  I'll let you all know if anything else changes!Thanks!
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Profile Comments 879

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Thank you very much for faving ! 😀

Thanks for the Fave. =) There's a new NSFW gallery in the works, keep an eye out! 0_o

Thanks for faving my Theme Miniatures

have a great day:+fav:

Miniature Storefront 729 Brick 1:12

Thanks for the fav

You're welcome!  Good stuff!