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Numix White: Gtk Theme v1.4



Yay! My first GTK theme is released!

Numix White is a Gtk 3 and Gtk 2 theme, based of the original Numix theme ([link]

However, it is whiter and has a more elegant look and feel. It also contains themes for Gnome, Unity, Xfce, Pantheon and Openbox, and is compatible with Gnome 3.6 and Gnome 3.8. Gtk 2 theme requires the Murrine engine.

There are the folders inside, one for Gtk 3.6 and lower, and one for Gtk 3.8 - extract the folder depending on what version of Gtk you have.
Installation instructions are included.

Edit: Some nice guy called Diego has also made an AUR for this theme, see here: [link]


1.4: Fixed some things in the overall theme.
1.3 : Finally updated for Gtk 3.8
1.2 : Corrections to the Unity theme.
1.1 : Tweaks to the GTK, Metacity and Xfwm themes.
1.0 : Release

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Nice theme. I'll try it out for a while. :)