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Training TG- part 5 GIF Finale!



Since my previous transformation had made me male again I was hesitant to go back to the studio.  If I didn't go back to the studio I would just need plastic surgery and a voice transplant.  I had texted my trainer after he said to, but it turns out when he got home he changed back.  I wish there was some way I could get back to my original body though.  At this point I don't think it's possible, with each body transformation I get more and more attracted to the opposite sex.  So in this body I was attracted to chicks with giant tits.  I was excited to be attracted to women again it just felt natural.  But after considering not going back to the studio, I reread the contract and it said if I didn't show up they could press charges so I knew I had to go.  My trainer texted me to tell me to get to the studio as soon as I could.  My trainer called me and said "Bring a bathing suit, we're going swimming today!"  I grabbed my bathing suit and started to run over.

Since I didn't have boobs hitting my face, I got there relatively fast.  When I got there I changed into my bathing suit.  As soon as I put my bathing suit on, my transformation started.  First, my hair got longer and shifted from brown to black.  Second, my face lost 10 years of age so now I had the face of a 22 year old goddess.  Next all of my muscle disappeared, and transformed into a little bit of body fat.  Then, my chest swelled up and continued to swell for 5 minutes giving me EE boobs.  After that, my hips widened.  Also, my ass caved out and grew to a rather large size.  My top half was not covered at all so my bare breasts were exposed.  Since my chest was exposed and it wasn't very warm in the locker room, my nipples became erect.  Finally, my dick started to tingle and caved up and formed vagina as my testicles went inside and formed ovaries.  After some time, since I wasn't going out without a top on or even a one piece a black bikini top formed over my chest and erect nipples.  Finally, my speed turned into a bikini bottom, and I headed out with my pussy ready to see my trainer.

As soon as I had eye contact with him, my pussy shouted with excitement.  "Alright Gabriella, I need you to hop in  the pool and give me 4 laps back and forth."  I did as my trainer said hoping to get destroyed by his dick.  He had me swim for an hour or so, and I got bored, and started to ignore him and just stare at the bulge in his pants doing flips off the diving board.  At one point my boobs almost went flying out of the bikini top.  That would have been fine since we were the only 2 there.   Especially because I would have loved to fuck him.  "Alright Gabriella I need to head out now, you might want to too."  my trainer said as he was taking his mark and leaving.  

As soon as he left I walked out of the pool and said "Damn why can't I have some of that man candy am I doing something wrong?"  After I walked out of the pool I went into the locker room and just threw yoga pants and a white shirt over my bikini top.  After getting "changed," I walked home and went to sleep.  Only to find out that the gym was closed and I was stuck in this body.

The End!
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I wonder if Gabriella find someone to marry and have kids with