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Theta Sigma
54 Watchers188 Deviations




188 deviations

Guess WHO's Back?

We all jump and laugh And dance and sing, Cos The Doctor's back on screen!With a new suit And companion too We all love Doctor Who!David by far is the best actor, Scottishness and charm; Definitely a factor!Now his screwdriver is repaired Martha and Rose's fate We hope won't be shared.With a platoon of Judoon upon the Moon, The Doctor's "nothing meant by it" Made Martha swoon.With Shakespeare on her tail as well, We hope Martha won't think it hell, She'll stay with him for more fun...Yippee! Doctor Who- you're NUMBER 1!

Doctor Who Stuff

72 deviations
Neelix-Monkey Lookalike

Star Trek Stuff

30 deviations
Elrond's Wedding Robes

LOTR Stuff

7 deviations

Loki And Related

5 deviations
Handy Place

Buildings Sculpture Landscapes

17 deviations
Horatio Caine WP


14 deviations
Pixel Bunneh


29 deviations

The Diary of Elrond. Chap 1

                                                       30/12/2509 TA Dear Diary, Ever since that accursed orc attack Celebrían has been quiet, too quiet, sometimes it’s as if she simply isn’t in the room.  I am working day and night to help her recover from her ordeal, with only desperation left to fuel what little strength I have in reserve.  I have healed her physical wounds but is spite of doing all I possibly can, I cannot restore her peace of mind, cannot erase those hideous memories that plague her every waking - and sleeping - moments. Celebrían continues to flinch and tense up whenever I so much as enter the same room; I am afraid ...

Diary of Elrond

7 deviations

Time Lord Fugue

2 deviations
Am I ginger? YES


3 deviations