I'm alive, but quite busy! My working time has increased due to a sudden amount of orders, so I have to spend more hours on my workplace. Not a bad thing, because of money *w*, but the rest of my free time is a rush to everything else. I can't draw as much as I would and I feel kinda frustrated, but watching you producing art is a great pleasure for me :D so people, please, keep on doing it, submit your wonderful art, I'm watching you! <3
Last month I received @K-Zlovetch and @Hellypse masterpiece OEtherium: prologue plus other awesome stuff :D
It's always exciting having a paper copy of art from such amazing artists, and I hope to get the rest from them ;P
So folks, if you like magic, mistery, love, furries and odd people, this graphic novel can give you all of that!
Here the link if you wish to get a copy of the book (this is only the prologue, more have to come!) and some other nice art from Hellypse and K-Zlovetch:
Artists' mainpages:
Mind that the book is written in French!
Horrible ruler for scale :B
Have a nice day you all 8)
Tagged by :iconkonstalieri:, featuring my character Xadros Kaydn. RULES: 1. Post these rules.
2. Post 8 facts about your character.
3. Tag 8 (or as many as you can) other people along with the characters you want them to write about (which leads to rule 4).
4. Post their avatars and write their characters names next to them. PROFILE Name: Xadros Kaydn
Born: somewhere in Eyverain Meideau Empire, planet Stadt-Hor, not in this Universe
Age: 43
Height: 4'20 ft (circa 1,28 m)
Religion: /
Career: necromancer● His official creation date is 29th October 1988.
● I introduced him as a evil psycho sorcerer who had should be their (--> Quest in the ...