Palatino PostertheStrange6 on DeviantArt

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Palatino Poster



Again for my typography class...
For this project we had to create an informative poster of a chosen typeface. I chose Palatino, clearly. We had to do research on the face, and let me tell you, that was not easy. There isn't that much information on this typeface. On top of all the research, we had to use one photo (if you found it necessary) and design the whole poster in the style of the typeface. So as you an see, I took some liberties. I'm pretty sure that a typeface that was based on a renaissance man's calligraphy would not have planes attacking the type or repeated words on top of each other, or even a David Carson feel of type flying around the page. Enjoy! I know I had a blast creating this!
Image size
1080x1440px 200.76 KB
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